Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Summer Recap Part 1

First, we back up into June a bit.....

I went on Kennedy's Grade 1 Zoo field trip!

There was a bike parade at school. I found out about it on the way to school that day and was going to let Kennedy learn a lesson in responsibility - not having a decorated bike because she didn't tell me about it! BUT...after seeing her face when I dropped her off and seeing SO MANY bikes decorated, I ran home got some supplies and ran back to decorate. I was pretty proud of it, and you would think she'd have loved it....but...who knows? Maybe she'd have rather done it herself? Maybe it was not what she envisioned? She was a stinker, but I love her and thats what a mama does, whether her kid appreciates it or not!! lol

We also celebrated this fabulous Daddy!! WE love him to absolute pieces!! He is by far the favourite person around here! He's pretty great!

Our awesome friends in Olds had a big Fathers Day BBQ with a pretty sweet burger bar made by us girls! It had every topping you could think of! 

Then our summer began...

The day after school ended we headed up to Edmonton.

My awesome parents took the kids so Brian and I could have an overnight anniversary getaway!
We went to the FantasyLand Hotel and spent all day together. Shopping, shooting range, dinner, mini golf. We had such a great time! 9 years together!!

Then, one of my best friends got married! There were 4 of us in High School that were very close and have stayed friends. The last one of our group - Shannon, got married! 

LaNae, me, Shannon and Julie

 Then we threw together a 10 year high school reunion at Andrew Gibb's parents house. A bunch of us are missing, but we got a few together! Shannon already left for her honeymoon, and Brian had to go home to work... We all had our kids there, and they all loved playing in the pool!

I stayed in Edmonton for a few more days with my family before more of my family arrived! Brent and Mandy and Makenna came out from Ontario to visit. We hit the zoo and the lake with them. 

This is the most hilarious cake I've ever made!! My mom asked me to do the July birthday cake and pretty much everything that could go wrong, did. The icing wouldn't spread evenly, I ran out of it and the best part - the writing tube of icing I bought ran out!! I couldn't stop laughing at it!! At least Brian and Becky got one letter!!

We chilled in the sun...

After our Canada Day celebrations and traditions with Brian's family and my family, we headed home and made it for the fireworks! They were pretty awesome - mostly for the fact that there is zero traffic in Olds so we were home within 5 minutes of them ending!

Then we went back the next weekend to use our free water park tickets for staying at the FantasyLand hotel!

I took Kennedy zip lining...she LOVED it!

Back at home, we hit spray parks, lakes, parks, had picnics and bike rides and enjoyed every minute of hot weather!!
and we pooped this little girl out!

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