Thursday, February 13, 2014

when they grow up...

the girls often talk about what they want to do when they grow up. For a long time they had decided on something and they stuck with it for nearly a year. Lexi was going to be a farmer and Kennedy was going to be a cowgirl and live on Lexi's farm. They talked about it often. Well, Lexi then decided that maybe she didn't want to be a farmer and instead she really wants to be a ballerina! (Brian told her good idea- being a farmer is really tough!) Even though she has never taken a dance class she LOVES to dance and sing. Sometimes she says she'll be a ballerina that sings too. She's actually quite the graceful little dancer. One day we'll put her in lessons.
Kennedy asked me a while ago if she can be more than one thing (of course!) and so now she loves to tell us all the things she's going to be. This is what it has come down to...on Monday she will be a dog trainer, on Tuesday she'll be a gymnastics teacher, on Wednesday a cowgirl, on Thursday an Olympic skater and on Friday an author and on Sunday she'll go to church. She might need to rest on Saturday! I love her creativity of naming out the days of the week so she has a chance to do all her things! Tonight she told me her top 3 are gymnastics teacher, cowgirl and Olympic skater!! Since the Olympics have started its been really fun talking to Kennedy about them and watching them. They have even watched some at school. Every morning before school they have a "Morning Basketball" program that starts at 8:20 (school begins at 8:35) and she loves to go. She has been going every morning without missing since November and this week they have been watching Olympics during that time and also they watch some in gym class. She is really into it. The other night at dinner we watched the speed skaters where Canada took gold and we jumped up and down! She loves learning about other countries but really supports the Canadians!! Anyway, thats how Olympic skater came about. And its not a speed skater that she'll be competing in- its the one where they do pretty routines in pretty costumes :)

Tonight we were also talking about other careers she could have. She wanted to be a nurse for about 15 seconds before I told her she'd have to touch and see blood and she quickly said No way! "I don't want to be a nurse, that would gross me out!". She was also pretty surprised to find out I took some nursing training in University. I remember really wanting to be a teacher when I was little (or a cashier- who didn't love to play cashier!) But I must say- this girl has me beat! She's planning on having at least 3 careers! Brian just tells her whatever she chooses, she just better make lots of at least we have the important things covered :)

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