Monday, March 03, 2014


A few weeks ago, I decided it would be a good time to start reading chapter books to Kennedy. She is slowly learning to read in English, but because she is in French Immersion, she isn't exposed to it often. So, I picked out Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and read it to her before bed. She LOVED it! and I LOVED reading to her!! It was so nice to snuggle in her bed with her and read her a more grown up story. She had to visualize everything and understand the story on her own. It was such a nice time together. A few times Brian read to her, but it made me sad because I was missing the story! Now, we are all finished and I told her we need to watch the movie and she is SUPER excited for that! Next, I think we will read Charlotte's Web....any other good suggestions for a 6 year old?

And she is doing amazing with her French. She reads her french worksheets to me and it amazes me! So proud of my girl!


Joanne said...

you totally need junie b jones they are hilarious! also the littles and the rainbow magic fairy stories.

Joanne said...

you totally need junie b jones they are hilarious! also the littles and the rainbow magic fairy stories.

Joanne said...

you totally need junie b jones they are hilarious! also the littles and the rainbow magic fairy stories.