Thursday, October 18, 2018


June began with a dance recital for Lexi and a school play (Beauty and the Beast) for Kennedy. They have both been working hard. Kennedy has had MANY MANY practices preparing for this. She was one of the narrators/they do a bit of dancing


I got to do something that has been on my list for a very long time! Bike from Canmore to Banff! Averley and I biked together, walked around Banff and ate dinner then biked back and stayed in a hotel in Canmore. It was perfect weather and I loved biking the trail and being around the mountains!

The new backpack I got for the trip that I LOVE!! I researched, thought and thought and looked some more but decided on this one with the water pack and its great and super comfy.

Eating dinner in Banff.

A cute little scene I saw one day. I love these two! They are such good buddies. 

Went golfing with Van Orman's on a perfect summer evening. We're sad we don't get to see them as much now that they've moved to Red Deer.

We had some awesome weather in June and we are all so excited for Summer!

PLUS!!! Lets not forget that I took a piano exam! AND so did Kennedy!! Our first one's together! Kennedy took the grade (level) 2 exam and I took the level 3. We both passed! Kennedy wasn't nervous at all, I on the other hand, stressed and worried like CRAZY and practiced my butt off. I think that level was above me but I'm glad I challenged myself and we did it!!! (sadly, no picture of Kennedy - she had people after her. I asked the examiner to take one of me and she laughed but happily obliged!)

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